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Audits are a regular occurrence across food factories of all types. You could almost call them a way of life for many technical, production and hygiene managers. 

But when Covid-19 forced a shift away from ‘in-person’ visits, the usual factory walk-around became a challenge. How do you inspect production lines, equipment condition, food safety culture and process control from a remote home office? 

The key to true food safety compliance is being audit-ready - always. Yet with improvement budgets knocked by Covid and far fewer external personnel on site, lockdown has led to changes in focus areas for both management and factory staff alike. 

So, as many sites re-open their doors to both announced and unannounced audits, here are 9 key points to help you get audit-ready.

Sure, these points are largely common sense and are fundamental to any food safety plan. Proof of your great food safety culture will be that not one of them has been let slip while auditors have been off-site.  Even if you think you’re home and dry on all nine points, don't risk the headache of an audit non-conformance that could easily have been avoided.  Reach out to the Klipspringer team for extra support to ensure you are truly audit-ready.

1 BRCGS Food Safety Standard V8, 4.11.6. 
2 FSSC 22000 (Foundation Food Safety System Certification), ISO/TS 22002-1:2009, Prerequisite programmes on food safety — Part 1: Food manufacturing, 11.2. 
3 BRCGS Food Safety Standard V8, 6.4.3.

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