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Self-Audit to rule out the risks

Food.Gov.uk released figures on contributors to the total number of recorded incidents in 2016/17. 

They found that:

• Pathogenic micro-organisms (14%)
• Residues of veterinary medicinal products (9%)
• Allergens (8%)
• Chemical contamination (other) (6%)

When was the last time you did an internal audit? These are just a few examples of the things you could pick up before an unannounced audit. It’s important to be prepared to audit your processes regularly. Especially if you change suppliers or revamp your product lines. To make sure your process is smooth, streamlined and in-line with legislation this blog will give you the details you need to know!
Of course, when you know your site inside-out, it can be easy to become restricted and miss what’s sat right in front of you. Why not ask a third party or a colleague from a sister site to conduct your audit? Self-audits give you the opportunity to investigate yourself with the same rigor and standards that you would expect from an external audit. You will get a far more honest appraisal that picks up on the little things that can be overlooked when you are over-familiar with certain processes.
Review your processes regularly. 

It’s a constant cycle of adjustment based on the flux of legislation, staff churn, product lines and changes to clients and suppliers. Going too long without auditing your processes makes it more likely you will need a complete overhaul further down the line. That’s expensive, disruptive and frustrating - and brings greater risks of non-conformance. Standing still is not an option.
Creating a thorough allergen segregation policy can mean a lot of legwork. The more effort you put in upfront, the easier it will be to instil an effective policy that’s easy to stick to. Start with an audit or risk assessment of your current process. 

If your audit returns inefficiencies or problems, don’t ignore them. Look at the root causes, modify your process, retrain your staff and then re-audit. It’s a continuous cycle. Cumbersome, perhaps. But it’s the only way to stay on the front foot of food safety and allergen segregation.
Of course, the hardest thing about change is implementing it and finding the time amongst your day to do this. However, with a little thought, preparation and training you can instil processes that keeps your food tasty, your end-consumers safe and your business protected from the potentially devastating threat of unlabelled allergens getting into the marketplace.
For more information on allergen segregation, download our whitepaper today!

Download the white paper now.

Posted on 02/10/2017