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What is the True Impact of Food Allergies?

What is the true impact of food allergies?

The number of people in the UK suffering from allergic reactions to food continues to increase year-on-year at a rate of around 5%, with children representing around 50% of these worrying food allergy statistics. It is inevitable that the subject regularly hits the headlines, since the food we eat every day has a potentially huge impact on our health.

Food Allergy Information

Our food allergy infographic below shows some astonishing facts about the food we consume, many of which may come as an unwelcome surprise. For example, between 1990 and 2007 hospital admissions relating to food allergies increased by 500%. In addition, around 21 million people in the UK suffer from at least one allergy.   

Click the image below to view the full-size infographic...

Klipspringer Allergy Infographic

Posted on 28/09/2017