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In line with our commitment to food safety and audit success, Klipspringer is delighted to be supporting BRCGS’s Food Safety Europe 2021 virtual event on Thursday 28th January.

What is in store at Food Safety Europe 2021?

This online event is the prime opportunity for our world-leading food industry to share innovations trends and best practices with many manufacturers who face similar challenges. If your team is interested in a programme packed with the latest learnings regarding  food safety, sustainability and avoiding audit non-conformances, then we are sure you won’t want to miss this event! 

Book today and receive 20% off your ticket using the discount code 'KS20'.

  Book your ticket  Login to the online event  View the full event details

Check out the programme below:

08:00 Virtual Networking
08:35 Chair’s welcome address
08:45 Implementing a uniform food safety culture across an international company spanning different cultural attitudes
09:15 Digitalising data and processes in food
09:45 Building integrity in the food chain putting measures in place to combat food fraud and adulteration
10:15 Awards Presentation
10:25 Break – virtual stands and networking
10:50 Developing strategies to effectively manage supply chain vulnerability in an evolving environment
11:20 The pandemic’s impact on supplier approval and certification
11:50 Awards Presentation
12:00 Break – virtual stands and networking
12:55 Food Safety in Primary Production – working in partnership to protect your brand
13:15 PANEL: Developing new best practise for remote internal and external audits
14:25 Awards Presentation
14:35 Break – virtual stands and networking
14:55 Ensuring food safety and security in times of crisis examining COVID - 19 impacts and lessons learnt
15:25 Supplier Assurance: Strategies for effectively managing and mitigating risk in the supply chain
15:55 PANEL: Sustainability, Ethics and Food Safety: Balancing competing demands
16:45 Conference Closes