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We passed with flying colours!

Our UKAS accredited calibration laboratory recently had their annual assessment against ISO/IEC 19025:2008; and due to the team’s hard work and dedication we passed! 

We pride ourselves in operating a laboratory which meets the exacting requirements of our customers and we are thrilled with the auditors comments we received 

“The calibration laboratory of Klipspringer was staffed by experienced and competent engineers and were seen to have sufficient resource to meet the workload demands placed upon them.

The knowledge and experience of the dedicated quality management team was found to be the main strength of the laboratory with impressive progress made towards the upcoming ISO/IEC17025:2017 transition with an integrated management system in place to address the accreditation requirements and also that of the laboratory’s other certifications.

The internal audit program in place in the laboratory was comprehensive with all audits performed according the predefined plan and found to contain a high level of detail.”

We offer a wide range of internal and external calibrations to meet our customers calibration needs.

For more information please take a look here or if you would like to speak to one of our calibration and service experts please call us on 01473 461800.

Posted on 24/07/2018